About me

Mijn foto
Amsterdam, Netherlands
I travel the globe for a living. Luckily I get to see many beautiful things when traveling. Design is one of my passions. On my blog I try to collect a lot of my design-encounters around the world. I hope you'll like it! XOXO Nina

dinsdag 13 december 2011

Favorite SF-pics

To top it off, here my 3 favorite photos.


Valencia street, the Mission

Here a small impression of the wonderful shops on Valencia str. The styling. They sure know what they're doing!

Mid-century in Frisco

That was almost a century since my last post. Guess I needed time for some new inspiration. Well. It's here!
Just came back from a trip to San Francisco. I went to the neighbourhood 'the Mission'. I was really really really impressed. My favorite: Valencia Street. ALL the shops were cool! No, really. All of 'em.
And the cafés and restaurants. Aaaah. Sigh. The first day I had a sundaybrunch at the Foreign Cinema restaurant on Mission street. The next day a great breakfast, with friends, at the cutest bakery Tartine.
Here some pics, more will follow!


zaterdag 17 september 2011


Montpellier, 5 euros for 6 oysters and 2 gambas. Seriously, I need to get myself a house there.

In the end, the score: 18 oysters, 4 gamba's. Low carb, right?

vrijdag 16 september 2011

La douce France

After a long absence, I'm finally filling up my blog again. Here some pics I took during my vacation in the South of France (hence the long absence...).
I got great inspiration about writing some stuff on my blog, all I need now is some peace and quiet-time to write. So, coming up later this week. For now, enjoy France!

donderdag 23 juni 2011

Orient-style, part 3

To finish off my Bangkok-posts, the last pics.

Safety first, yup, sure.

Flower offerings at one of the many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many temples.

Orient-style, part 2

* note: I was feeling very sorry for this poor, but stylish, fish. Very cruel to put a fishy in such a small bottle....

I really liked the mid-century furniture at this coffee-place. I did not like the poor housing of the fish, one in a bottle on each table. Very un-cool.
Besides, how did they get 'em in there?!

Ok, moving on, more pics! Wheeeeeee!

Pardon the window-reflection of these pics. I just had to take them, really liked the styling.